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Meg Raminiak
Owner of 'ssage

​Hometown: Wixom MI, a suburb of Detroit.

Education: I have a B.A. in Theatre Performance from Western Michigan University.

Massage Education: I graduated from the esteemed Chicago School of Massage Therapy in 2000.

Additional Massage Training: Hakomi Body Based Psychotherapy, Hot Stone Massage, Myofascial Release, Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage.

Family: I'm the lucky wife of Steve Raminiak and mom to two great kids, Tillie and Flynn.

Hobbies & Interests: Cooking and entertaining, making outdoor art installations to amuse my family and neighbors and doing light carpentry and electrical projects around the house. I also play flute with the Arlington Heights Community Concert Band.

Favorite Body Part to Receive Massage: Hips and glutes! So many strong, powerhouse muscles in there, just begging for attention!

Favorite Thing About Being A Massage Therapist: I love getting to be a part of the healing process—to feel the changes in the tissue under my fingers and to see the difference in how people carry their bodies when they walk in for a massage versus how their bodies move after they're off the table. I feel so privileged to do this work.

Pet Peeve: How my profession is portrayed on television and in movies. Not in all my years of doing massage have I ever had a client propped up on their forearms while I squeeze their shoulders. *eye roll*

Why the Name 'ssage? 'ssage is what my daughter Tillie used to call massage when she was very little. It's pronounced like 'massage' without the 'ma.'

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